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LIVE Broadcast
Dismantling Platforms of Habit, Creating Platforms of Choice
“Winter is coming,” the Game of Thrones warns, as the wheels of its fictional world turn. While it’s not quite true that life always mirrors art, this week’s guest, Jim Self says that we too are moving into a new cycle of transition in this evolutionary process that we call the Shift. And while this cycle may feel a lot like winter for those who are still operating from a platform of habit, in reality it is rich with as yet unforeseen, and still little understood, potential.
In this special full length Summer Solstice edition of Keeping Pace with the Shift, international speaker, teacher and author, Jim Self, will help listeners look at some of the current world, financial, and geopolitical events through a broader “big picture” lens. The fact is, says Jim, while the transitional cycle we are currently experiencing may have its challenges, we are actually treading new ground: We are in the process of withdrawing from what we have known, and moving into something that is not yet quite clear. What was is no longer useful in the next cycle, and the Golden Age that is to come is still unfolding. In the meantime, this cycle of transition affords us a wonderful opportunity to become conscious of the flow, to dismantle old habits that no longer serve us, and instead create new platforms of consciousness, choice, and agreements.
This episode will include Jim teaching a powerful Mastering Alchemy tool: Observing from the center of your head.
Listen to the show on The Awakening Zone Network here: