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LIVE Broadcast
Your Health - Your Choice with Dr. Donese Worden (20 min)
Frank and fearless, Dr. Donese Worden is a passionate advocate for truth in medicine. In this regular segment she takes on the role of our eyes and ears, to help us carve a pathway through the minefield of information (and disinformation) about our health, our bodies, and our rights, bringing us everything we need to know to safeguard our own and our loved one’s health.
Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago with Lydia B. Smith
What drove a successful producer, director, writer, and filmmaker to put her career on hold and raise the money to follow several pilgrims as they attempt to walk the most famous pilgrimage route in the world, the Camino?
What is the allure of the Camino? Why are so many people drawn to make this grueling pilgrimage every year? How does it transform people’s lives?
In this show we’ll be discussing:
*The reason Lydia made this film *Why the Camino is such a perfect metaphor for life *The ‘miracles’ that happened to bring this documentary to movie theatres and more…
Listen to the show on The Awakening Zone Network here: