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LIVE Broadcast
Miracles Along the Rebel Road with Simran Singh (20 min)
In August 2013, creative visionary and award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine, Simran Singh, embarked on an 11-month, 66-city Rebel Road Tour. Four women, two kids, 66 live shows and NO EXCUSES! It’s an adventure we would all secretly love to take, but don’t because we’re afraid to let go of our lives, be judged as “irresponsible,” face our fears, or go to the edge… LIVE from the road, Simran demonstrates the miracles that can occur when you throw off your shackles and put your faith in the journey that unfolds.
More messages from the Archangels with Joan Walker
Back by popular demand, Joan and John Walker presenting more messages and information from the Archangels and Ascended Masters to help us upgrade our physical bodies as well as our consciousness to a 5th dimensional level. Joan and John will also take questions from the listeners.
Joan Walker is a gifted channel for the Archangels and Ascended Masters. She emerged into the public arena in 2005 as a channel and spiritual teacher by facilitating teachings and special projects for Master Kuthumi and archangels – Metatron, Michael, Zadkiel and Uriel – to guide humanity’s shift in consciousness.
At the specific request of Archangel Metatron, and under the guidance of the Archangels and Ascended Masters, Joan and her husband and partner John, are now being guided to expand their work to teaching, and to sharing timely and important channeled messages for the public.
Listen to the show from The Awakening Zone here: