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Keeping Pace with the Shift with Jim Self (20 min)
We’ve been hearing about “The Shift” for so long, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally here. But what precisely is shifting? What are we moving from? What are we moving toward? And – more importantly – what difference is it really going to make to your world… your life… your family… your loved ones… and your future? In this monthly segment, Keeping Pace with the Shift, Jim brings us information about the latest events and energetic changes that are all part of The Shift.
Especially for Valentine’s Day, professional astrologer Alison Chester-Lambert will be talking about LOVE – the biology, the chemistry, the psychology, and the astrology! Listeners will also be invited to call in for a mini-reading using Alison’s popular Astrology Reading Card Deck.
The type of person we are attracted to and the attraction we feel for that person is the subject of millions of love songs. But if we are all capable of falling in love, then there must be a biological or psychological mechanism that can be set off in all of us. But what triggers it? Is love just a chemical reaction? Or is it written in the stars?
How can astrologers use a chart of the planets at the moment of someone’s birth to predict who they might love and when?? And how does astrology describe the relationship patterns that will be handed down through generations? Can we be born with a destiny of never finding our true love?
Listen to the show from the Awakening Zone here: