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Your Health - Your Choice with Dr. Donese Worden (20 min)
Frank and fearless, Dr. Donese Worden is a passionate advocate for truth in medicine. In this regular segment she takes on the role of our eyes and ears, to help us carve a pathway through the minefield of information (and disinformation) about our health, our bodies, and our rights, bringing us everything we need to know to safeguard our own and our loved one’s health.
Dying to Be Me with Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani has become something of an international sensation since her book "Dying to be Me" hit the New York Times bestsellers list only two weeks after its release in March, 2012. She had experienced what most people never have; she "crossed over," and came back to share what she learned. Her remarkable NDE (Near-death experience) and subsequent healing from end-stage cancer is one of the most amazing cases ever recorded.
Doctors had given her mere hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2, 2006. Unable to move, and in a deep coma as the result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for nearly four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth, and was given a choice of whether to return to life or not. Anita chose to return to life when she realized that "heaven" is a state, and not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health within days of her return.