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Astrology Beyond the Shift with Alison Chester Lambert (20 min)
BBC astrologer, and founder of the Midlands School of Astrology in the UK, Alison Chester-Lambert is known for predicting personal and planetary events with “deadly accuracy.” Back by popular request, Alison will be providing a regular monthly update on how the transiting planets are going to be affecting us on a personal and global level as we move through the constantly changing energies of the Shift.
We hear a lot lately about manifesting the life you want. But how do you get where you want to be? According to author and Professor literature, Dr. Allan Hunter, there are five insights that can help us create a meaningful and fulfilled life.
His new book Gratitude and Beyond: Five Insights for a Fulfilled Life, describes the five key areas of awareness: Gratitude, what it is, and how we can be grateful even when it’s not easy; Humility, how we can recognize when our frightened ego is at work again; Beauty, reframing the events of our lives to find beauty and the things we circle around; Innocence and Accepting, moving towards love and where we need to be.
In this episode Dr. Hunter and Sandie will talk about how we can use writing as a therapeutic and life-enhancing tool, and gratitude, which, he says, is just the beginning of the journey of self-discovery.
Dr. Allan Hunter has spent his life exploring the intersection of literature, ancient wisdom, and the ways of the heart. His books include The Sanity Manual, Write Your Memoir, The Six Archetypes of Love, Princes, Frogs and Ugly Sisters: The Grimm Brothers’ Healing Tales, The Path of Synchronicity, and Gratitude and Beyond.