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Conversations With Jim Self and Barbara Hand Clow

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Spiritual Awakening Zone

Spiritual Awakening Zone


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What life will look like after the seven Pluto/Uranus squares


You are in for a treat. Barbara Hand Clow is one of the wonderfully interesting people who not only understands a wide range of information that's important to the ascension process, but also knows how to organize and present this information to bring the pieces together in a way that amazes.


This conversation will be fascinating. While the title may appear to have no relation to anything in the average person's reality, this is the farther thing from the truth.


Topics include:


• Why the position of these two planets will bring the “Shift” into dramatic awareness for each person on the Planet.

• Did Hurricane Sandy get your attention? It is just the beginning.

• Balance and re-alignment.

• Fear and greed will give way to leading to and trusting.

• All that is hidden will come to the surface.

and more...


So understanding the “what” and “why” of this cycle of the “Shift” will allow all that is hidden within you to more gracefully slip away.


This is the cycle that is going to release all that is not in well-being, cooperation and Beauty; the Bigger cycles which appear as you release what is not yours and find balance and alignment.


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