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James Tyberonn spent 33 years circumnavigating the globe, traveling to over 75 countries, in his work as profession engineer & geologist for 33 years. Throughout that time, he focused on understanding the energy of the living Earth from both a scientific and metaphysical perspective. A scholar of metaphysical metaphysical studies of varied disciplines, he has had a great interest in metaphysics, sacred sites, grids, leylines, portals, vortexes, healing gems, crystals, auric maintenance, EMF, Light Body, spiritual growth and music.
In 2011 he was a featured guest speaker at the United Nations S.E.A.T in New York City. He has visited over 300 sacred sites across the globe, has been a guest speaker at the 'Elders Speak' Conference in Sedona, Arizona and the 2007 Eagle & Condor Elders Gathering in Peru, aand has hosted many Earth-Keeper conferenced and pilgrimages to sacred sites.
Tyberonn has authored three books, co-written a fourth with Lee Carroll (Kryon) and Tom Kenyon (The Hathors) and is writing his fifth book on the metaphysical healing properties of gemstones. He dedicated dedicates his life to sharing the spiritual and sacred scientific information received from Archangel Metatron whom he started channeling in 2007.
In this episode Sandie and Tyberron will discuss:
*The real reason crystals and gemstones have been so highly valued throughout history by shamans, priests, and metaphysicians
*How crystals can amplify, open and align your chakras, transform your auric field, manifest your thoughts, and enhance your ability to achieve higher dimensional experience
*12-12-12, Max, the 13th Crystal Skull, and the Ascension Codes
*The role of crystals in our own and our planet’s ascension process
And more…