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Conversations With Jim Self and Dr. Bruce LIpton

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Spiritual Awakening Zone

Spiritual Awakening Zone


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In his book, The Biology of Belief Dr. Bruce Lipton provided insight into the nature of how our consciousness controls both our genetics and our behavior. Although programmed to believe ourselves frail and vulnerable, science is revealing that the power of healing has always been within us, for not only do our personal beliefs affect our personal lives but our collective beliefs physically manifest our collective reality.


In this episode Jim and Dr. Lipton will discuss: How our beliefs about nature and human nature shape our politics, culture, and individual lives; The blueprint for our sustainable, life-affirming future that is literally inside you – encoded in each of the trillions of cells comprising your body; How each of us can become planetary “stem cells” supporting the health and growth of our world and every individual in it; How releasing the old beliefs that keep the status quo in place, and building our lives and world on this heartening new story, we can play an active role in birthing the evolution of humanity

and more…


A cell biologist, Dr. Lipton's discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics.


Dr. Lipton regularly lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. His books include The Biology of Belief, and Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here. www.brucelipton.com

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