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LIVE Broadcast
Show starts with 20 minute segment of Your Health_Your Choice with Dr. Donese Worden followed by:
Beyond Me, Beyond Belief with Frank Huguenard
Ten years ago, when software engineer Frank Huguenard lost his Silicon Valley job at the same time that his best friend and lover was dying of cancer, he struggled to make sense of the drastic changes that were taking place in his life. His consequent studies of Eastern philosophy and Western scientific research led him to produce some very compelling videos which won acclaim on the Film Festival: Spirit Enlightened website.
Beyond Me, which won the Spirit Enlightened People’s Choice Award, takes the viewer on a trip through the cosmos and down to the scale of quantum physics, explores the instinctive migration patterns of animals, and draws a link between animal instincts and human personality disorders. It then goes on to suggest that all of human suffering and misery comes as a result of impressions made on our consciousness over hundreds and even thousands of lifetimes, and that the solution for removing these impressions, thereby lessening our suffering, is through the art of meditation.
Beyond Belief, which was Spirit Enlightened Second Runner Up, explored the story of Jesus' life, which has always been mysterious and completely out of context with all the other great masters on this planet. Beyond Belief tackles these very sensitive issues by placing Jesus in India both prior to and AFTER the crucifixion. In spite of the vast amounts of documentation that was destroyed, there remains a significant amount of evidence to support this, particularly the compelling proof in the Gospel of Thomas. This film attempts to demystify the life of Jesus and put his teachings in a much larger framework.