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Sunday Healing Service from the Honolulu Church of Light

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Ascension and Awakening Zone

Ascension and Awakening Zone


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Welcome to our Sunday Healing Service, an enlightening and uplifting healing hour.  We broadcast live from Honolulu, Hawaii, the land of rainbows, breathtaking landscapes, and ancient Lemurian healing energy.    
Today's Topic:  The Holy Week

Palm Sunday commemorates Master Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  It is referred to as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches that were laid on the road as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. In biblical times, the donkey was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.

This is the day that people praise Jesus, This is the day that people talk about the good things he’s done. This is the day for loud and vociferous hosannas.
Palm Sunday is an occasion for reflecting on the final week of Master Jesus’ life.  He shows us compassion, forgiveness, and integrity, and that ideally we could do the same for others.  During this Holy Week, let us reflect on what are we doing to build and support our selves and our relationships with others.

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