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Special Guest: Julie Bass
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"A gardener in a Detroit suburb is fighting for her vegetables. Julie Bass of Oak Park is facing possible jail time for having a vegetable garden in her front yard.
Bass was cited for violating city rules about landscaping. The mayor says that although the citation carries up to a 93-day jail sentence, Bass won't be put behind bars.
FOX28 News asked local gardeners what they thought of the situation.
"I think it's appalling," said avid gardener Susan Deranek. "It's her private property. It's not ugly--I saw pictures of it and it looks very neat and tidy and she's providing food for herself so I don't see anything wrong with it.
Master Gardener Suzan Kesim "It's too bad they don't applaud her for it instead of prosecute her for it." Bass told The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press that the city regulation requires decorative but useless gardens."