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Today we work with the 5 Dhyani Buddhas - who each represent a quality of your own Buddha Nature.
The 5 Dhyani Buddha's are:
1. Vairochana - All Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya
2. Akshobya - Mirrorlike Wisdom
3. Ratnasambhava - Wisdom of Equality
4. Amitabha - Discrimination Wisdom (Discernment)
5. Amoghasiddhi - All-Accomplishing Wisdom, Wisdom of Perfected Action
Vajrasattva - represents the highest expression of the enlightened mind. He is the synthesis of the Five and has the Attainment of the Five.
They are transcendent beings who symbolize universal divine principles or forces.
Each Buddha embodies one of the five wisdoms, which antidote the five deadly poisons that hinder spiritual Freedom and Ascension in the Light.
So today we for the transmutation of the poisons that have held mankind captive to the ages of duality and seperation so that we can move into the Golden Age in a wonderful & beautiful Way together as One!
We'll also be Working with the Violet Flame, Jesus, Archangel Michael & MORE!
Click her to learn more about the 5 Dhyani Buddhas
ESPAVO!!! < Thank you for taking your Power Beloved One!