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Violet Flame Saturday for the birth of the Golden Age Economy and Abundance for the Light ! We send the Violet Flame into the economic institutions of our world to end corruption and inspire light bearers around planet earth to fulfill our role in birthing the economy of Abundance for All.
Together we call in and BE the God SOLUTIONS so very much needed at this time on our beloved Freedom's Star / Earth.
Now more than ever - it's time for us to call forth the Light of the Divine that never fails and together we enable the birth of a New Earth in a Miraculous and Beautiful Way ~and Now is that Time!
Check out Ascension NOW!'s Website here.
We have the Power to Be the Change and through the exercise of the Spoken Word and Guided Heart Meditations we enable the Ascended Hosts and the Archangels to rally their Billions and Billions of Angels to help all souls on this planet Ascend Higher.
Time is running short - the Now is fully returning! Let us enter the Now together as One Force of Light for the whole of Creation! Each expressing our Unique and Divine Talents in Harmony with the Earth's Rising and Divine Plan ~
Gratitude for shining your Light and joining us in Decrees and Service to the Light!! Join us in this very important Work!
Ascension NOW! is a 501C3 Charity - Your Donations go to making the Ascended Masters a Household Name! Spread the Word. Be the Light.