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God Victory Ascension NOW! Violet Flame Saturday - FOR GOD PEACE

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Ascension NOW

Ascension NOW


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Today we give the Violet Flame for God Peace to manifest throughout our planet including in our governments, our countries, our cities, our living rooms and our world. 

TODAY's Booklet Available here: - GOD PEACE IS NOW!

Peace starts within us and resonates around and within our planetary body, and we are the Body of God below as we are Above. Time to heal the wounds of the past and be present with the I AM Presence that brings life and peace to and through all of us. 

Jesus Christ Prince of Peace showed us the Way 2000 years ago, and now it is our turn to Be One with the Way that Jesus demonstrated, the Way of Peace. Archangel Uriel is the Archangel on the Ray of Peace and he will be helping us generate the Light in today's Violet Flame Saturday. 

Violet Flame Saturday is a weekly opportunity to give decrees, join Light Hearted Community and Be your Divine Self Daily! 

As inspird, PLEASE DONATE to give and receive great blessings! Ascension NOW! is a 501C3 Charity, with your help, we can grow this Movement and Spread the Sacred Word to the four corners of the planetary body - Freedom's Star!

Donations to Ascension NOW! Charity accepted here: https://anow.org/support-the-movement/donate-light/

Espavo! Thank you for tunning into your own Divine Power within!

Sponsored by the Ascended Masters: Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Kwan Yin, Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Flame, Kuthumi and MORE. 

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