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In the gay community sex is often over emphasized. Despite the temporary pleasure sex can have, many gay men feel lonely and isolated. Sadly they are not truly in touch with their sacred sexuality. Sacred Sexuality refers to the art of making love and connecting truly with another person on a deep level to raise your consciousness (or kundalini) In this episode I will explain what tantric sex is and give you specific steps to try with your partner. If there is enough time, we may have a meditation to remove negative sexual patterns and body images and to help us have a more healthy appraoch towards sex. While this episosde is primarily focused on Gay Men, it really can apply to anyone.
This is all part of my June "pride month" on Ascension Magic. Here is the lineup:
For more information what I do at Ascension Magic or if you would like to schedule a professional session, please visit my website: at I also invite you to please "follow" my show for updates on the latest shows.