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This is going to be a great show and I'm very excited about it. As we begin 2015, many of us are being guided to release the old and make way for the new. We may be feeling the push to eliminate clutter, complete unfinished tasks, and fix anything that needs to be fixed. This is not coincidental. We are at a crucial point in our evolution and if we really truly want a new vibration, a new planet, a new way of being - we have to learn to let go. This is true both globally and personally. However, for some of us this can be overwhelming. I want to share with you some ways to eliminate the clutter and garbage from your life. We'll also talk about detoxing your body in healthy ways, and how to clear your space and home using the Angels. There will be a guided meditation at the end of the show for all of us to let go and go with the flow. For this year to truly be successful we need to go with the flow and letting GO can be an amazing way to do that. I also invite you to call in with any suggestions and advice you might have for anyone that might be trying to let go. What worked for you? I'd love to hear your thoughts.