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The Gift of Life with Ethan Musolini

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Ascended Radio

Ascended Radio


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You won't want to miss this amazing once in a lifetime show with Ethan Musolini.

Ethan Musolini is a CEO of Success Africa, a human resource development consultant and motivational speaker committed to enabling organizations and individuals maximize their potential.  His commitment and passion to unlocking human potential has inspired him to publish personal development books like Confidence and Self Esteem Secrets Exposed, Get Motivated in 30 Seconds or Less, Wisdom and Success Quotes and Public Speaking Secrets Exposed. He also produced a range of educational video products on stress management, public speaking, work life balance, selling, goal setting, business and social etiquette, customer service, succeeding like crazy, attaining exceptional performance among others. Join us as you learn practical tools for creating a successful life.

For more information on Ethan, please visit http://www.EthanMusolini.com/,  go to http://www.facebook.com/ethanmusolini or email him at ethan.musolini@gmail.com.

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