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We have heard the phrase or affirmation "be in the world but not of the world" many times and we may understand it on a 3rd dimensional intellectual level, but do we truly know what it means to live this phrase? Through the process of Ascension or "waking up" we truly begin to live this phrase, for although we are in a physical body, or earth vessel, we are spirit, literally the energy of God made manifest on the physical plane. When on the path to awakening, we still live in a 3rd dimensional world, however, we are fully embodying our spirit. We may dwell among those who have not yet awakened but we no longer participate in the thoughts or behaviors that keep them asleep.
This show will discuss ways in which we can honor or choice to be on on this earth as physical beings, while fully waking up to our infinite and divine spirit. Join us or add to the discussion that helps us all to remain on the path that great beings of light have paved.