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Welcome to Art Unity Network Radio. Week 09: Thursday, the month of Libras & Scorpios. Don't forget; You have a chance to play your music here by simply sending your information to ( we'll send you the following requirements.
This radio show like to focus on music from well rounded Artist, preforming genres such as Hiphop, R&B, NeoSoul,Jazz and spoken word. We play mainstream "Only" for the love and respect of Art.
We offer you an opprotunity to become a member and share your talent as well, by simply contacting us:from,
8:45 pm CST TOP5
9:30 pm CST Discussion/ Announcements
Enjoy these moments with us by sharing and inviting others you know would love the opprotunity to mingle & network. "We have everything we need, when we unite!" "It just is!" It's like I'm taking a Grandmother role, the ability to keep everybody together. FAMILY You have to love yourself, respect other people and focus. Just, Simply, Tune in & Share with everyone! Ase'
Would you like to share your spoken word, if so CALL IN 516-387-1455 Set your Reminders by following us @, also download us on itunes as well! click Subscribe on Youtube'll see AUN LOGO.