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It is with great delight that I welcome two amazing Earth-lovers and environmental pioneers, Dr. Jim Conroy and Basia Alexander, Co-founders of the Institute of Cooperative Bio-balance. Jim is famously known as The Tree Whisperer. With Basia as co-teacher they offer Tree-Whispering workshops and courses all over the US and annually at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. There is now a series of Tree-Whispering books in addition to several other titles that include Live and Let Live: Collaboration with Nature to Heal Ecosystems. They are both sought for their marvelous keynotes and are freqeunt guests of various media outlets. During Hurricane Sandy they led a totally unique and cutting edge mission to help people save their trees. A book detailing these stories is available at their website.
This summary barely does justice to their inspired and inspiring work! I regard them both as visionary experts of nature-based communications, and am deeply honored to have them join me on April 15th, a week before Earth Day. It will be a lively and lovely hour listening to their story and welcoming your phone calls. We look forward to your joining us!