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(Adding these notes post-show date since a few "technical difficulties" kept me from this ahead of Sept.10th!) I spoke on a variety of topics that included a review of the first 4 months of Voices of the Earth, something of a "harvest" of what was planted in the Spring and has been nurtured over a dozen programs with such marvelous guests since May. I also spoke about two wonderful beings, the Monarch butterflies and the Asiatic Moon Bears, both of whom are facing tough times. In both cases their human friends are working hard to ease their plights. Links below will expand on what I spoke about. Last but certainly not least, I celebrated the birthday if the poet, Mary Oliver! Her poetry has been featured frequently on Voices, including the June 11th show, "Poems of Mary Oliver & friends, Spring-to-Summer".
Moon Bears:
September 21st, People's Climate March: