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Fridays with Faith... welcomes Joanna Lipinski

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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We welcome a wide variety of guests and topics to our show...while limiting it to people and causes we believe in and want to support!!

TODAY we welcome Joanna Lipinski to our show. Joanna is a beautiful, perky, and energetic woman. She lives in a Senior Lifestyle Community in Nashville, Tn. and LOVES it!

Joanna has spent much of her life as an avid WALKER... walking in many many cities and countries. She will share with us her life story... which began in a one room schoolhouse in Sinking Valley, Pennsylvania! 

CALL IN 1-805-292-0349 to LISTEN. Press #1 if you would like to ask questions or make comments!

Beautiful Blessings to you all!




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