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Join astrologer, aromatherapist, educator and author Rev. Shellie Enteen each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time for the week's astrological weather forecast and a discussion of interesting topics related to metaphyics and spirituality that will help us navigate these changing times. Shellie is frequently joined by special guests who talk about their specific areas of focus.
Today's topic is Healing with Sound and our guest is Dr. Damaris Drewry who has been on this path of using the vibrations of sound to heal since she 1984 when she was 'visited' in a lucid dream by the great Edgar Cayce who told her she would do this work and that he would be her guide.
We'll find out more about this important vibrational medicine and how to use our own voices to heal self and others. Callers welcome as time allows.
More about Damaris Drewry at
More about your host, Rev. Shellie Enteen at where you can sign up for a free e-newsletter. Astralessence facebook page has daily forecasts and to learn more and order readings and other spiritual services, email