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Join us each week on Fridays with Faith as we welcome "People We Believe In" as our SPECIAL GUESTS. This week we are excited that Teri Lynch Pugh will join us. Teri's path to wellness and mind-full living began over two decades ago. During that time she became a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, mentored to our youth and began gifting her time and energy as a certified Hospice caregiver, bringing comfort, self-respect, and tranquility to individuals who were in their final days of life. It was through her hands on work in these areas that Teri realized the deep need many people young and old had for someone to help them process their losses and regain direction. Accordingly, she became a Certified Grief Recovery Guide and Holistic Life Coach.
CALL US at 1-805-292-0349 to LISTEN. Press #1 if you would like to ask questions or make comments!!
Beautiful Blessings to you!
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