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Our returning special guest today is Penny Kelly.
Penny will be sharing with us today her experiences of the Elves who live on her property at Lily Hill Farm in Michigan. She will be sharing how they first came to her, her relationship with them and how they have helped her with her crops and understanding Nature. Don't miss this one!
Penny is a writer, teacher, consultant, speaker, publisher, and Naturopathic physician. She is the owner of Lily Hill Farm and Learning Center in southwest Michigan where she teaches courses in Developing the Gift of Intuition, Getting Well Again Naturally, and Organic Gardening. Penny has been researching and exploring consciousness, cognition, perception and intelligence for over 30 years, and works with Dr. Wm. Levengood, Biophysicist, of Pinelandia Laboratory near Ann Arbor, MI. She has been deeply involved in Community Gardening efforts. She has a small publishing company, Kelly Networks LLC, that publishes books on the subjects of spirituality and health.
Penny holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. and a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College, Birmingham, AL. She is the mother of four children, has co-written 14 books with others, and has written six books of her own.
Penny maintains a large counseling practice, works as a consultant to schools and corporations, and raises organic vegetables, cows and chickens. She lives and writes in Lawton, MI.
Call in on: 805 292 0349 or log on to: We are under the Honest-to-God series for Jan. 19th.
Show airs at 11am EST, 10am CENTRAL, 9am MOUNTAIN, 8am PACIFIC and 4pm GMT.