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Esoterically Speaking with Shellie Enteen

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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Join astrologer, aromatherapist, educator and author Rev. Shellie Enteen each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time for the astrological weather forecast and topics of importance for these changing times, often with special guests. 

This week, we discuss the 12/12 Galatic alignment, Sag New Moon and have a conversation with Jason Zwolak on his work with Authentic World (and specifically their workshops in Portland, Oregon). It sounds like it's a perfect idea for the deepening of relationship and heart energy that Venus and the North Node in Scorpio are calling for now.

Jason has been exploring meditation, self-development, and spirituality most of his adult life with a goal of finding this seemingly elusive "peace" and deepening connection with others.  Among other things, his explorations have taken him to Unity's Spiritual Education and Enrichment courses, vipassana meditation retreats, and Authentic
World's Aletheia course (circling meditation).  Jason has been a chaplin with Unity, led meditations, and is now a co-leader with Authentic Portland facilitating authentic relating and deepening intimacy.
Authentic Portland description:
Authentic Portland (an offshoot of Authentic World) runs events that give people a safe place to explore their experience while relating with others and explore ways of relating in service of connection and authenticity.  
More about your host, Shellie Enteen and her services can be found at www.astralessence.com And visit the Astralessence Facebook page for daily forecasts and more.


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