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Liz Sterling interviews authors, luminaries, leaders, and outstanding talk show hosts who are inspiring change in our world.
What Really Matters when it comes to living and dying? On today's program, two inspiring doctors share their insights that offer great awareness and understanding about the profound subject of Life and the Hereafter!
After being struck by the devastating loss of his son in 2007, Dr. Ken Paul Stoller was overwhelmed with grief. The powerful bond between father and son became evident when Galen began communicating with his father through dream states. By transcribing hundreds of pages from his son about his new circumstances, Dr. Stoller has recorded and edited My Life After Life: A Posthumous Memoir dictated by Galen Stoller. Today, he'll shed insight on what he has learned about life after life.
Dr. Karen Wyatt is a family physician who has spent much of her 25 year career as a hospice medical director. Through her book What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of Dying, she helps her readers to prepare for the difficult times of life. Having written and lectured extensively on end-of-life issues, she takes her wealth of experience and shares life changing advice with us.