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Esoterically Speaking with Shellie Enteen

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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Join astrologer, aromatherapist, author, educator and ADL Reverend Shellie Enteen each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time as she gives the 'astrological weather forecast' for the week and discusses a topic of interest related to our expanding evolutionary consciousness. Special guests will also be featured. The purpose is to present a view of the world from the esoteric perspective...a backdrop to current events and our personal life journey that puts things in a new and brighter light. The hope is the views provided by Esoterically Speaking will assist everyone in navigating the changes around us with peace and joy!  

This week's guest is Rev. Dr. Linda Marie Nelson.

Linda Marie was ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 1998 with the Alliance of Divine Love, Inc.  She went on to study for the Priesthood with St. Francis College, a seminary under the auspices of the Order of the Friends of Jeshua. This Free Catholic, Radically Inclusive, Sacramental Community is part of the Apostolic Communion which evolved from The Way taught by Christ and the Apostles and continues in twenty-one lines of valid and unbroken Apostolic Succession.

Linda Marie has recently been named to the faculty of The Metropolitan Theological Seminary and will chair and teach Aramaic Studies.

Rev. Dr. Linda Marie Nelson will share her Pilgrimage experiences to the Casa de Dom Inacio (named for St. Ignatius of Loyola), the healing place of Jao Texiera de Faria, or as we know him, John of God, in Abadiania (pronounced Aba-jon-ya), Brazil. She spent two weeks in an immersion of prayer and healing.

 More information about your host, Shellie Enteen at: www.astralessence.com and visit her Astralessence page on Facebook. 

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