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Art of Living Well-Charlotte & Lindsay-Guest Michael Young

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

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Have you ever played in the Unified Fields?  

THIS WEEK ON ART OF LIVING WELL GUEST MICHAEL YOUNG  not only plays but teaches us how to play in the loving fields of the Lord. Michael Young is an internationally known facilitator of personal healing with clients on four continents.  He is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, A Society of Souls School of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing, the New England School of Acupuncture, The Center for Intentional Living, Energetix International College of Bioenergetic Medicine and has attended the Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences in London, Ontario. Michael was also a student of Michael Harner who founded the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the late eighties and sat with Red Hawk aka Charlie Tom, an Uruk elder, for three years in his sweat lodges in western Massachusetts.
Michael founded the Circle of the Heart School of Wholeness in 1998; a three-year training through which he assists his students to discover their own unique gifts of healing, spiritual awareness and life purpose.  Michael led Vision Quests in Montana in the 1990's and conducts a Purification and Healing Ceremony (sweatlodge) three times a year in Madison County.  He also has a private practice out of his home in Asheville, NC. His website is: www.michaelsyoung.net
EVERY WEEK ON ART OF LIVING WELL CHARLOTTE McGINNIS AND LINDSAY BABICH bring you guests and topics to inform and enlighten bringing more health, happiness and abundance to our planet.

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