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Aingeal Rose on The Art of Living Well Charlotte and Lindsay

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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THIS WEEK on The Art of Living Well Radio AINGEAL ROSE  Aingeal Rose has over 35 years of Metaphysical and Psychic experience with a private practice in Chicago for over 20 years. Since 2007 expanded her practice throughout the United States and Ireland. She has transformed the lives of countless people through her workshops in Manifesting and Self-Healing, Personal Ascension and 2012, Working with Homeopathic Color Remedies, Exploring the Planes of Existence After Death, Beginner through Advanced TAROT, Healing Spreads and more. Through her Planetary Gridwork contract she has worked with whales and dolphins, sacred sites, sacred geometry, planetary physics and the 2012 personal ascension process. She is also a renowned reader of the Akashic Records. She has been a Master Tarot Card Teacher for over 30 years.Visit her website at aingealrose.com.

EVERY WEEK  on The Art of Living Well Charlotte and Lindsay will take you to the edge of your old thinking and beyond your comfort zone to a new place of understanding. And, you’ll have fun doing it. As life guides we lead your journey: put mastermind skills to work, save the oceans, live green, fall in love, forgive someone, challenge the system, play your best game of golf or tennis, create miracles, give from the heart, get fit, eat well and organically, or regain your naturally healthy state. Every show offers a guest or topic worthy of your time, and participation.

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