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Carol Hillegas TAOLW with Charlotte and Lindsay

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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Carol Hillegas was introduced to nature at a time when conversing with the unseen was unusual. Her environmental awareness began when she left her suburban lifestyle and moved to a rural community to build a Retreat and Conference Center. Away from the ordinary world nature began to teach Carol the ways of the natural world. Her aptitude for discerning the voice of nature gave her the opportunity to learn at the feet of the master, Nature.
 By communicating with nature Carol began to learn of a world beyond the physical. She sought solutions to seemingly impossible situations to bring balance to places in need of it.  Her fascination turned to activism as she sought to remedy conditions of drought in Southern California.  Gradually Carol, and a group of dedicated women, brought into being the beginnings of The Awakened Earth. By turning to nature and a group of unseen Masters her body of work began to evolve.  Her work involves reaching beyond the constructs of existing systems which are unable to bring satisfactory solutions to environmental difficulties. She has successfully brought us methods which are having a profound impact on the natural world. She has put her life’s work into the book, The Awakened Earth, so that ordinary people can use the formulas to solve their own environmental dilemmas. 

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