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Edward Mills has a message for you and it is this: YOU have an original money blue print.
He also has a question for you and it is: What does abundance mean to YOU?
So what is your original money blue print? What does abundance mean to you and why is it important to be clear about its meaning?
Join Cindy and Linda for this interview as Edward reveals:
Edward Mills was a successful life and business coach, seminar leader and telesummit producer, before joining the internationally renowned Shift Network as the Director of Telesummits. The Shift’s next big world-wide classroom event is: Birth 2012 Activation Week. Go here to learn more about the activities in your area, for this year and beyond:
You can also learn more about Edward’s work at:
Live the Life of your Dreams,” a 5 module course with a comprehensive companion journal and bonus DVD! Listen to their interview on the Magical Life Teleseminar and purchase their product here:
Free weekly teleseminars with content and strategies to help you create a magical life!