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Is the Law of Attraction still relevant in today’s environment? With so many new tools to help folks achieve their goals and dreams, are we “over” the Law of Attraction?
Not according to Bob Doyle!
Bob is a prime example of an everyday person who, due to circumstances that demanded change, took on changing his life in significant ways. Years of searching led him to a series of ah-ha moments that completely turned things around in a very short period of time.
He eliminated tens of thousands of dollars in debt, created a 7-figure business, and is committed to teaching anyone who will listen to exactly what he learned and what he did.
Most people know Bob Doyle from the movie "The Secret", and, of course, as a teacher of the Law of Attraction. While that is a big part of what Bob is up to, there is much more.
In fact, Cindy and Linda love his work because he has devoted so much of his life to discovering the “science” that is the foundation on which the Law of Attraction works.
If things aren’t working for you no matter what you try, tune in. Bob will explain that there is a scientific reason preventing you from getting what you want. It’s a new, updated approach to practicing the Law of Attraction. To learn more, visit Bob’s website at