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How do I know if my Ego's in the way, Not open to Receiving, and more?

  • Broadcast in Self Help
Art of Joyful Living

Art of Joyful Living


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We asked and you answered! Today on the Art of Joyful Living, we’re discussing topics that you suggested and answering questions that you asked: • Why is it that something manifested only after it became a vehicle for helping others? • How do I know when to hang it up? The economy is getting better but my business isn’t. I’ve invested in smart marketing, invested in my own professional development, but nothing’s happening. • How do I know if my ego’s in the way when I have to make an important decision? Better yet, how do I get it out of the way? • I’ve been told that I have trouble receiving and that’s what’s holding me back from getting what I want. That doesn’t make sense to me. I know what I want in my life and I really want it! So why wouldn’t I be open to receiving it? Do you have any questions you’d like to add to this list? We’d love to hear from you! Join us in the chat room or call us. You run the show! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/art-of-joyful-living 646 929 1420.

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