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Please join us, in our lively, roundtable discourse, on the issues and topics that affect the Islamic/Muslim community, the religious community at large, and the black community.
Is it me? Am I so cold and callous?
Are we once again, involved in a “conversation”, about the status of illegal immigrants?
Is this a “war on Hispanics”, according to Tom Brokaw (Is he still on the air?)
Candidate Trump made it clear, if elected, he would pointedly address the issue of illegal immigration, frankly, the likes of which, we have never seen. Years of amnesty, excuse, enabling, operating under the false flag of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” – ala Barak Obama.
Where do we go from here, now that President Trump has decided not to extend DACA, which many saw, crushes the aspirations of “Dreamers”?
Will the issue of illegal immigration ever be solved?
How about the President’s Tax Reform objectives?
I want a less complicated Tax Code (i.e. LOWER taxes). Got a problem with that?
WAIT! Do the people at Charlie Hebdo believe in GOD? In light of Hurricane Harvey, they sort of, hinted to that.
Tune in to Critical Discourse, Saturday, September 9th!