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C.D. The Big Weekend - Ju'mah & Justice

  • Broadcast in Islam
A New Day 4 Al Islam

A New Day 4 Al Islam


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Tomorrow (Friday, November 8, 2015), we will redo history, as Muslims from across the nation, will converge with dignity and peace, upon Washington D.C., for the Friday, Ju'mah service, aptly titled, Islam on Capitol Hill.

The keynote and organizer, Imam Abdul-Malik, by Allah's Grace and Mercy, has had the insight to organize this event, to proclaim the worship of Our Lord, and to state to the world, that neither Al-Islam or Muslims, are inherent enemies to this or any other country on earth.

As we understand the commonality of faith and purpose, which is shared by adherents of the Torah and Gospel, much can and will be done, towards strengthening the moral fiber of society at liege.

Then, on Saturday, October 10th, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, we will be there for Justice or Else ..., which by the very theme, speaks to what many have argued, has been a denial of justice, in light of the well-publicized killings of black people, by law enforcement or otherwise.

The cry is real; just as the cry of those mothers and fathers, who have lost their precious children, to the ever-expanding abyss, known as "the streets".

As a heads-up, we may air a special edition of Critical Discourse, tomorrow afternoon, after the Ju'mah service.

No exact time has confirmed, but keep visiting the website (www.blogtalkradio.com) or call in, at (213) 816-0356


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