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This week, Congress held a hearing / discussion on what is purported to one of the critical, survival issues – Climate Change.
Since Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, many are thoroughly convinced that we’re headed for doom, unless we do something about the record, warm weather we’ve experienced. The argument was bolstered momentum after Hurricane Katrina.
Putting “2” and “2” together, increasingly warmer weather means more hurricanes, destruction and overall, imbalances in nature’s life cycles,
On the surface, no real argument, save a nefarious monopoly which projects that Climate Change (remember Global Warming?) is due solely to emissions from carbon-based fuels; oil, natural gas, coal.
Anyone who dares to question or challenge this dogma, is swiftly dismissed as “anti-science”. In fact, Barack Obama, at the University of California, Irving’, mocked those whom he’s deemed as deniers of “climate change”.
To what extent, the worldwide temperatures have increased or decreased, can be verified, by gathering temperature data over any specified period of time.
What's problematic, are the distorted and convoluted determination of those who insist on the "one-factor" theory. It’s quite possible, they're correct, but it’s also conceivable that the earth is undergoing its own, natural cycle, predicated by – God forbid, the Creator, God Himself, what you never hear from the “Climate-Bullies”.
We must consider all possible factors in “Climate-Change / Global Warming”, and the last thing we need, is overbearing dogma from those who have a convoluted, disingenuous and dishonest agenda – and engage in “Science-ing”.