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If I had son, he’d look like Trayvon – (Barack Obama, speaking about Trayvon Martin, after his tragic death).
Who would Adonis Mera look like?
In light of the ruling, overturning New York City’s controversial Stop-and-Frisk program, one has to wonder, if there is any efficacy in a policy which reportedly targets black and Hispanic males.
We heard ad nauseaum, how this policy had no value and justification, given the relatively low percentage of actual convictions of those, so "victimized".
Should we consider, the remote possibility, that lives have been saved? That Adonis Mera, a 14-year old boy, would not be paralyzed for the rest of his life?
While we realize that only Allah is The Knower, I believe I can say with aplomb, that when you remove a sense of accountability and responsibility from society, glorify the idea of over 70% of black families being headed by un-wed mothers, capped by the apathy and obliviousness of our “leaders”, this is what we get. So, while we posthumously live through our fallen youth, killed by police or white people, we seem not to give a DAMN, when the perpetrators are black.
I suppose Mera's shooter, just couldn’t wait until he could afford to buy a $600 coat. Of course, we’ll hear how he “didn’t understand what he was doing” or “was disenfranchised”.
I, as many, are sick and tired of a body politic, who cannot see that we as a people, are in serious trouble, literally and figuratively, engaged in voluntary genocide.
Given this, maybe Stop-and-Frisk doesn’t seem so bad.
I know this is certain to ruffle some feathers, so call and bring your best “shot”, as to why Stop and Frisk must cease.
P.S. I’m ready for you, and that INCLUDES the “Family Advisors”!