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"Kill not your children for fear of want. We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin." (Holy Qur'an - 17:31)
"For what crime she was killed?" (Holy Qur'an - 81:9)
" ... Therefore, choose life..." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
One of the issues of contention in the abortion debate, is "when does human life begin"? Put another way. "Is the fetus a mere clump of flesh, or a person?"
On November 8th, the residents of Mississippi will vote on Initiative #26, where the Definition of "Person" will be decided. The question is, "Should the term "person" be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the equivalent thereof"?
This initiative stands to greatly immerse itself in the greater abortion issue, with respect to the very definition of "life". "Reproductive rights" / abortion advocates are lining up to either suppress this right of the people to choose, as is the ACLU, or the Center for Reproductive Rights', urging Mississippians to vote "no".
With the 2012 election, a little more than 1 year away, this initiative is certain to have a profound impact in political, religious and social circles.
It would be of no surprise, if the Obama Administration, a hearty proponent of infanticide, were to mount a legal challenge, should the collective will of Mississippians deem "Yes".
Tune in this Saturday, November 5th, 6:30 AM, to A New Day for Al-Islam Aftershow, to discuss the issue.