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Attention: Christian women who are speakers, authors, coaches, business owners, entrepreneurs and aspiring speakers. You are invited to…
Join us for the dinner buffet, networking and fellowship. Find out what this movement is all about and how you can be a part it!
TONIGHT Thursday, 6:00pm to 9:00pm The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel 555 West Foothill Blvd. Claremont, CA 91711
Imagine giving up everything. Walking away from all your material processions, your car, your house, your friends. That’s what these ladies did. Individually they were called by Christ. Back in the 70′s they took off their clothes and shoes, put on robes, said good-bye to their families and friends and started walking – barefoot around the country. They weren’t alone, there were hundreds of followers for Christ. And often they would congregate together. For over twenty years, God took care of them, protected them, fed them and showed them the way. During their travels they were persecuted, cursed at, spat at, yet they stood in their faith and preached, witnessed and brought many to Christ.
Through their journey God downloaded song after song to them and they sang, without any instruments, around the campfire. They are still singing today.
Join us and hear the testimony or Kris Miller, Liz Wentling and Michele Remmele
Contact Arvee at (909) 949-8527 for more information regarding this event and membership.