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Truth Talk Today, with Al and Karen. Character, current events, common sense.

  • Broadcast in Current Events
Truth Talk Today w Al Mickle

Truth Talk Today w Al Mickle


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Finally, a radio show that has NOT sold it's soul to the political machine that works diligently to enslave all Americans. We bring another side of today's events, refusing to be a part of the mainstrem media agenda, using the Constitution, Common Sense, Comedy (a.k.a. sarCasm) to the conversation.  If you want a show that simply follows along with what the sheep want to hear...this is not the show for you.  If you want a show that simply parrots what other news outlets demand you listen to...again, this is not the show for you.  However, if you want a show that brings common sense, Conservative thought (NOT Republican, or Democrat thought..but honest, conservative, common sense thought) to the issues that are important to YOU.

Do not expect that you will be coddled, snuggled, feel all warm & fuzzy, or have your ego stroked, just because you tune in.  In fact, I encourage each of you to CALL into the show and make YOUR voice heard.  Just know, that if you desire to destroy life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for American citizens, there will be no quarter here.  Yes, we all have the right to free speech.  However, that does NOT mean that you have the right to NOT be offended.  If you want to shred the Constitution, destroy churches, demolish Capitalism, promote socialism and/or socialistic type behaviors/programs, believe me....I'll probably say something to you, that you'll find offensive. Tough cookies...deal with it.

So if you enjoy freedom, liberty, and justice for all; if you are a Christian, a III%, Patriotic American, a prepper, a Constitionalist, a Conspiracy Theorist, a Capitalist, etc, chances are, we can be friends.  But if you are a Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Fascist, or just simply a Jackass, then call in as well....I'm sure we'll have a ton to talk about...or at least I will.


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