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Part 2- 11.11.11 : AllXcast News and Mindwars Host Adonis King examines the theories, facts and opinions regarding the 11:11 Phenom and the idea that something BIG will happen on November 11th, 2011 at 11:11 am OR 11:11 pm... Join us to examine what may..or may NOT occur.. Be there when whatever happens.. happens live .. even if NOTHING HAPPENS.. WE WILL REPORT THAT "NOTHING" ..FIRST.. either way it's better than just sitting alone in your "Bomb Shelter" or "cave" (Note: Allxcast does not condemn nor endorse any particular date as being the actual end of the world and is also not responsible should the end of the world occur before, during OR after any broadcast. The End of the World is brought to you by GOD: "The Guy who brought you existance since before existance actually existed".. PEACE ~a~