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ALLXCAST With Adonis and Eros King - Adult News,Talk & Chat

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ALLXcast(tm-pending) PodCast features Host Adonis King and his co-host Eros King who report the latest adult entertainment news, discuss legal and freedom related issues and add their own unique and often humorous ideas, opinions, feelings and observations. Some shows will feature Special Guests (announced on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. when applicable.. Call-ins are always welcome to let their opinions be known as well. NOTE: Due to possible topics, language and content this show is RATED "FOR ADULTS ONLY" and is NOT Recommended for any persons under 18 years of age or those who might be easily offended by free speech and opinion on sexuality and adult issues. Sponsored by AllXClubbin.com and ErosXclub.com (AllXClub Independant Marketing Companies).

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