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Create It, Move through it, Do it

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
All We Are

All We Are


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Dr. Judith Wilcox will be our guest on All We Are Radio this Saturday night! Judith will be discussing how you can Create the life you desire through utilizing technique's she has devised through the years and has put in her beautiful program "Create it, Move through it, Do it". She will also show us the Yuen Method and how she has worked this into her Create it system! This will be another amazing show and (time permitting) we will also take callers to see how the Yuen Method works first hand in long distance form. Dr. Judith Wilcox is a licensed professional counselor with 33 years of experience in transpersonal and humanistic approaches to counseling and education. She has been a meditation teacher for the past 31 years. She has studied extensively with Siddha Meditation Masters Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda in both India and the United States. She is a Certified Yuen Practitioner trained directly by Shaolin priest and Kung Fu Master, Dr. Kam Yuen. In her private practice she offers counseling, consultation, spiritual advisement and Yuen Method healing and empowerment. For more see: http://www.wilcoxhealingcenter.com/

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