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John Ferrell and Bob as they continue the Fantasy Expert Guest Show series for KFFSC and AllPurposeRoto.
Every week, Ferrell Elliot and Bob Butterifeld have brought on the air a parage of High Stakes Participants. These experts share inside tips, tactics and strategy for winning your fantasy league.
Draft with Bob, against Bob or beside Bob at the Horsehoe Casino in Cincinnati on August 22 or in Kentuck all weekend - August 28,29 and 30
Special Sunday Episido - - Reactions to the first week of pre-season - injuries and impacts to draft boards,.
Send your questions to or
Hit up the Commish at - - - Ferrell Elliot - 502-523-5057 - email him at
Bob is coming of the NFFL rookie draft, the 12 team IDP dynasty league is re stacked with over 750 players on teams. He did get a delviery from Chris and has some nice IPA's that will join the show. Hill Farmstead, The Alchemist, Main Beer Company and reserves West 6, from local Lexington.