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Join Bob and Ferrell for the KFFSC - AllPurposeRoto Fantasy Football Show
Tonight - Anemic Offenses - what impact to your draft board?
Jets, Browns and then Buc's,Rams,Niners,Raiders,Bills, Jags,Titans and The Chiefs and Texans passing . . .
The Kentucky Fantasy Football State Championship is the 2nd biggest live drive in the states outside of Vegas. Check out
the Commish at - call him at 502-523-5057
E Mail the show at
What is with the massive ADP drop for Charles Clay and Delanie Walker at TE
Comeback players - Cruz, Dorial Green Beckham . .
Join us live at the Horseshoe in Kentucky on August 28 thru August 30, draft with Bob, against Bob or other High Stakes players. Draft against buddies, or owners just like you. We will also be broadcasting live in Cincinnati on August 22. Come join us, be on the show, talk about your draft or own a team.