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Start Your Engines - The Hot Stove - No More Sulking

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The 2014 Season is looking right at us, get ready every Saturday as AllPurposeRoto presents the Hot Stove.  Fantasy Football's fastest 30 minutes on air.

We kick off 2014 with an odd contest, rate us on ITunes to be eligible for a vintage brand new Miami Dolphin Jersey, Larry Czonka.  Everyone who rates us on ITunes wil be elegible and we wil draw a name out of the hat on the 2 show in March on the air.   Our last winner walked away with Brian Urlachers jersey for the Bears.

Coverage will incude Scouting Combine notes for the upcoming combine on February 22 thru 25, and all kinds of draft prep for the NFL Draft May 8,9 and 10..

Catch Fantasy Football's fastest 30 minute review of news and updates on the net.

Our experts deliver fresh new content every Saturday  from all the local NFL city beat writers.

Chris and Bob answer all questions sent to them at Chirs@allpurposeroto@com and Bob@allpurposeroto.com



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