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Hey, thereZ! Nice to meet ya!

What's that? What are we all about?

Well, to begin... The organization of ALL OF US OR NONE is a grassroots civil rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly- and currently- incarcerated people and our families.  We are fighting against the discrimination that people face every day because of arrest or conviction history.  The goal of ALL OF US OR NONE is to strengthen the voices of people most affected by mass incarceration and the growth of the prison-industrial complex. Through our grassroots organizing, we will build a powerful political movement to win full restoration of our human and civil rights. 

And as for the inner-organization of ALL OF US OR NONE COMEDY, our specific goal is to bring the necessary  comedic talent to the table for this noble charitable and worthy cause. We've got comedians, comedic writers and biting editorialists looking to bring what they do best to this damn thing. Trying to bring charitable laughter to such a worthy cause. Comedians like THE DUDE, one of the organization of PREACH'S prized pigs who rocks the mike, writes a scathing and biting column and such for the uprising.

We invite each and all to have their voices on the subject on our shows, in our columns, on this site and many of our others including Wix, Hotmail, CD Baby, Movie Baby. Our blogs all over... We have many, many, many formats for our worthy and noble cause. Come and be part of them...


--Your Good Friend and Hero (If You're One of Us),


C.E.O. and Founder of

PREACH, Teamwork and Events 

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