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Christian Identity, Pro-White anti-Talmudic teachings and sermons by Pastor Eli James, the "Aryan Warrior," founder of the Church of the Restoration of True (White, Caucasian) Israel and owner of, a Christian Identity website. CI teaches that the Jews are impostors who are only pretending to be Israel. In reality, they are Canaanites, Edomites and Khazars, who have been impersonating True Israel for over two thousand years. Only the Caucasian people fit the marks of Biblical Israel.
Today's show will cover the unconstitutionality of all the FDR alphabet soup agencies, including the BLM and IRS. Obama, Harry Reid and the Chinevada story exposed!!
April 19 is the annivesary of Lexington and Concord! Long live America! Yahweh's judgment upon the Zionist scum who control America!
Praise Yahweh and pass the ammnition!
- Eli